It may seem easier to keep the career of your dreams in your dreams rather than plunging into uncertainty of something unusual, but doing what you love is better than a job you don’t enjoy.
“Remain steadfast and committed. Keep learning about your chosen field, the competition, the economy and your clients or customers. Don’t be afraid to promote and keep putting your business out there. After all, you are your best advocate,” says mentalist Larry Soffer.
He advises:
If you want to do something outside the ordinary, you will meet resistance – mostly from those who care about you and want you to be able to support yourself;
You will need to be realistic and recognize that you are likely to battle financially at first, but if this is something you really want, you will need to persist;
Be honest with yourself about what is working and what is not, and make the necessary adjustments;
When you do something seen as uncertain, such as being an actor or musician, you will need to learn to weather other people’s harsh comments; and
Any career requires hard work, so put in the hours to keep abreast of your industry and hone your skills.