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Quick Career Tips

Found by employers communicate directly with hiring managers and recruiters.

The Job Hunters Caution – A Guide on how to differentiate between Scam and Legitimate Job Offers

Career Advice, General

Job hunting can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. While there are countless legitimate opportunities out there, the unfortunate reality is...

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Choosing the Right Career: A Path to Fulfillment

Career Advice, Personal Growth

Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. It shapes your...

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Top 10 Guidelines for Preparing for Your Interview

General, Personal Growth, Skills

Preparing for an interview involves more than just brushing up on your CV. It requires a comprehensive approach to ensure...

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Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships with Colleagues

Career Advice

Maintaining positive relationships with colleagues is crucial for a harmonious and productive work environment. Here are some key strategies to...

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Preparing Your Employees for the Future

Personal Growth

As the business landscape rapidly evolves, ensuring that your employees are future-ready is more critical than ever. A future-ready workforce...

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How to… Create a Growth Mind-Set at Work

Career Advice, Personal Growth

Written by Margaret Harris   A growth mind-set, which embraces the idea that we can learn new tricks no matter...

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How to… “Stay Awake” during online meetings


Written by Margaret Harris   If you find it hard to stay awake during Zoom or Teams meetings with colleagues,...

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How to set and reach career goals…

Career Advice, Personal Growth

Getting where you would like to be takes planning, and the career of your dreams is easier to achieve if...

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Be Happier at Work…

Personal Growth

You can make changes that will improve the quality of your work life and set you on track for a...

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Create a Meaningful Career

Career Advice

Image supplied by Elvire Studio | Article written by Margaret Harris The start of a new year is a good...

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Why am I finding it challenging to secure employment??

Career Advice, General

Are you finding it challenging to secure a job despite your best efforts and qualifications? You're not alone. Job hunting...

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How to Make a CV Interviewers Actually Want to Read: Part 2


No offense, but your résumé is probably a mess. It’s not that you aren’t skilled or accomplished, but most people’s...

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